Business Crime meeting & survey

May 31, 2024

As part of the BID’s business plan, we committed to delivering a business crime reduction partnership, which would be open to all town centre businesses. A business crime reduction partnership could enable the delivery of a range projects and we’d like to invite you to discuss the challenges you might face and what the BID can deliver to support you. 

There are 2 dates available Wednesday 12th at 9am or Monday 17th at 4:30pm in person in Wilmslow Town Centre and light refreshments will be available. If you could please email [email protected] if you can attend and which date by Friday 7th June, then a suitable venue can be booked based on numbers.  

We would like to gather some initial intelligence from all businesses, including those who consider crime to not have an impact on their business – please could we ask all businesses to complete this short survey: